Digital X-Rays In South Barrington, IL

Digital X-rays in South Barrington, IL

Digital X-rays at South Barrington Dental Care are a modern imaging technology used in dentistry to capture detailed images of the teeth, bones, and surrounding soft tissues. Unlike traditional film-based X-rays that use photographic film to capture images, digital X-rays use digital sensors and computer technology to produce high-resolution images that can be viewed on a computer screen almost instantly.

South Barrington Dental Care

How Digital X-rays Work

Digital X-rays work by using a digital sensor or a phosphor plate to capture images of the dental structures. When the X-ray machine is activated, it emits a small amount of radiation that passes through the teeth and bones. The digital sensor or phosphor plate captures the radiation that passes through and converts it into a digital image. This image is then displayed on a computer screen, allowing the dentist to analyze it in real time.

Benefits of Digital X-rays

Reduced Radiation Exposure

One of the most significant benefits of digital X-rays is that they emit significantly less radiation compared to traditional film-based X-rays. This reduction in radiation exposure is particularly important for patients who require frequent X-rays, such as those undergoing orthodontic treatment or those with chronic dental issues.

Enhanced Image Quality

Digital X-rays provide high-resolution images that can be easily enhanced and magnified for better analysis. This allows for more accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. The images can also be adjusted for brightness and contrast, making it easier to detect small cavities, bone loss, and other dental issues.

Immediate Results

With digital X-rays, images are available almost instantly on a computer screen. This allows for quicker diagnosis and treatment planning, reducing the time patients spend in the dental chair. It also enables the dentist to discuss the findings with the patient immediately, enhancing communication and understanding.


Digital X-rays eliminate the need for chemical processing and photographic film, making them a more environment-friendly option. This reduction in chemical waste is better for the environment and contributes to a greener dental practice.

Easy Storage and Retrieval

Digital X-ray images can be easily stored in electronic patient records and retrieved whenever needed. This simplifies record-keeping and allows for easy sharing of images with specialists or insurance companies when necessary. Contact us to learn more.

Types of Digital X-rays

Intraoral X-rays

Intraoral X-rays are taken inside the mouth and are the most common type of dental X-rays. They provide detailed images of individual teeth and are used to detect cavities, check the health of the tooth root and surrounding bone, examine the status of developing teeth, and monitor the overall health of the teeth and jawbone.

Bitewing X-rays

Bitewing X-rays show the upper and lower back teeth in a single view. They are used to detect decay between teeth and to check for bone loss caused by gum disease.

Periapical X-rays

Periapical X-rays show the entire tooth, from the crown to the root and the surrounding bone. They are used to detect problems at the root of the tooth or in the surrounding bone structures.

Occlusal X-rays

Occlusal X-rays capture a view of the floor of the mouth and are used to examine the development and placement of an entire arch of teeth in the upper or lower jaw.

Extraoral X-rays

Extraoral X-rays are taken outside the mouth and provide images of the jaw and skull. They are used to monitor the development and alignment of the jaw and teeth, detect issues in the jawbone, and plan treatments for conditions such as TMJ disorders.

Panoramic X-rays

Panoramic X-rays capture the entire mouth in a single image, including the teeth, upper and lower jaws, and surrounding structures and tissues. They are used to detect impacted teeth, tumors, and jaw disorders, and to plan for treatments such as implants and orthodontics.

Cephalometric X-rays

Cephalometric X-rays show a side view of the head and are used to examine the relationship between the teeth, jaw, and profile. They are commonly used in orthodontic treatment planning.

The Digital X-ray Procedure


Before taking digital X-rays, the dental team at South Barrington Dental Care will review your medical and dental history and discuss any concerns you may have. You will be asked to remove any metal objects, such as jewelry or eyeglasses, that could interfere with the X-ray images.

Taking the X-rays

The process of taking digital X-rays is quick and comfortable. For intraoral X-rays, a small sensor or phosphor plate will be placed inside your mouth, and you will be asked to bite down gently. The X-ray machine will be positioned close to your face, and the dental team will take the X-rays. The sensor captures the images, which are immediately displayed on a computer screen.

For extraoral X-rays, such as panoramic or cephalometric X-rays, you will be positioned in front of the X-ray machine. You may be asked to stand still and hold your breath for a few seconds while the machine takes the images.

Reviewing the Images

Once the X-rays are taken, Dr. Tayyabba Athar will review the images on the computer screen. She will analyze the images for any signs of dental issues, such as cavities, bone loss, impacted teeth, or other abnormalities. The images can be enhanced and magnified for better visualization, allowing for a more accurate diagnosis.

Discussing the Results

Dr. Athar will discuss the findings with you, explain any detected issues, and recommend appropriate treatment options. She will show you the X-ray images on the computer screen, helping you understand your dental condition and the proposed treatment plan.


Digital X-rays are a vital tool in modern dentistry, providing high-resolution images with reduced radiation exposure. At South Barrington Dental Care, Dr. Tayyabba Athar and her team use advanced digital X-ray technology to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning. Whether you need a routine dental checkup, preventive care, or specialized treatment, our comprehensive dental services and patient-centered approach ensure that you receive the highest quality of care.

Experience exceptional dental care at South Barrington Dental Care with Dr. Tayyabba Athar. Call (847) 382-0700 today to schedule your appointment and discover a healthier, brighter smile at 8 Executive Court, Suite #2, South Barrington, IL 60010.

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South Barrington, IL

8 Executive Court, Suite #2, South Barrington, IL 60010

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(847) 382-0700